Thursday, August 21, 2008


I've never felt like the hot girl. I always felt I just got laid because I was a) lucky, b) willing and c) quite good at it. I've mentioned several times that I never felt comfortable making the first move and that meeting men in bars and clubs was never my forte.

I was asking a friend recently about this and he almost laughed when I told him I was shy. I had asked him for tips for playing, something I never really got into. I'm not like some other men I know who enjoy actual mind-fucks and getting-to-know-you games I'd really rather just get down to sex if that was all I really wanted. The guy I asked was the definite man. One of the great Chick Whisperers of this generation.

Anyway, after he simmered down and realized I was serious when I said I was bashful about talking to a man, he started consoling me. He said that I had Den men lined up at one time and they all wanted to fuck me. I told him I never really thought that was a big fucking deal. Because come on, they hang out at Den! One of the most notoriously comforting meat markets ever. It was such a meat market that friends I brought there never got comfortable because they always thought everyone there wanted to fuck someone. And yeah my going there to meet up with hook-ups may not have helped the reputation of the place as a laid back bar.

Then my friend the Great White Hype told me I was hot. And there were women that most Den men, including him, didn't even bother talking to.

But how do I measure fuckability? Sure it's a little evil and backward to measure self-worth by how much attention you get from other people, but come on. I like being told I'm attractive and fuckable and hot. Sometimes it seems that I learn to love my body more from the attention I get from men. It's so politically incorrect but I can't help it. I like being appreciated. And I appreciate them back. Most of the time with my mouth.

So how do we measure fuckability? Is it a matter of how many people you have to turn down becuase of your standards? Cos that would mean there are some men (or at least one) hotter than me. Is it a matter of how many people you get to fuck? Is it how many people want to fuck you? Is it simply a state of mind?

I've been told alternately that I look like a girl who enjoys sex, a nice girl, the ultimate girl next door and a girl with intriguing lips (they're kinda pouty). So does it matter why I'm fuckable? as long as I am? Is being fuckable equated with being hot? Well yeah I think fuckable = hot given that the ones who want to fuck you are equally hot. So is that what I think fuckable is? A measure of how many other hot people want to fuck you?

Wait, does this even matter? Let's just fuck!


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