Monday, January 28, 2008

I am Someone's Territory?

What sucks about several people knowing you've slept with someone is the ill-conceived, often misunderstood and often misinterpreted notion that there is a territory.

This is funny because I somehow feel like some free floating happy island filled with perpetually stoned inhabitants when a smart ass Catholic contingent plunges a flag into my beautiful and rich soil to claim me in the name of some godforsaken pompous kingdom in the name of a god I neither know of or even believe in.

This concept of ownership is arcane, juvenile and obsolete for me. Mainly because I am not in any relationship and as of the present do not particularly want to be in any relationship and I do not equate fucking with purchasing or even leasing.

Someone was supposed to drink with Bv and I and a couple of other people today. A young boy who moves in the same circle I rotate in with Bv and Ry and others. This boy ended up not going. Bv theorized he must've felt weird about it cos Ry would know for certain that I had invited him and not Ry. Ry barely talks to me.

In fact Ry does not talk to me even when I am beside him. Even when I am already looking at him. As a matter of fact Ry sometimes does not speak to me when I speak to him. So I do not consider myself his territory at all. But since Bv is a man just like Ry and New Young Boy appear to be, I guess I have to buy his explanation.

Which sucks. Because I happen to like NYB (New Young Boy). I don't really feel the urge to fuck him yet. Maybe that will come in time. But. I do not like this one bit. It makes me want to buck whatever conventions they have in the group.



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