Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I swore to myself when O introduced me to his friends that I would not entertain them. I agreed for him to give my number to H but I was sef-confident enough that I could resist H's charms.

Now, having just come home from a drinking session with O's friend V, I realized that this whole concept of being behaved (in relation to his friend) was not going to work.

O and I met up at our regular place to discuss some work related crap. He introduced me to V, a friend of his who was the exact opposite of H. When I met H, we had a conversation, he used his wit and charm to break down my defenses and make me feel at ease. V virtually ignored me this entire night, and only started showing interest late in the game. I noticed V the first time I saw him. Tall dark and masculine, with his deep voice and adorable laugh (or maybe it's the alcohol talking, but no H never made it for me). O whispered, as he was caressing my thigh (as V was making comments), don't mind him, he's trying to make the moves on you.

I had no idea if he was serious or not. But I liked V. Definitely.

In the second bar we went to tonight , we saw H, who made a show of making sure he had my correct number, a fact I'm sure V did not miss as he was right there. Anyway, we got into a cab where O asked me to drop him off near his house. V and another friend R was there. V cajoled O into letting us drink at his place for one last round.

O was teasing V about me. O had his arm around me and was teasing V that they were friends and that they might fight if he made a move on me, but it was ok since his girlfriend was home, and that he shares.

We went. O was upset because his gf (who lived with him) was already upset. I had noticed that V's hand was already nearing the vicinity of my waist whenever we crossed the street. V, R and I drank at O's place, we stayed for a grand total of 15 minutes before O kicked us out (gf was upset with him). V made sort of discreet yet cute moves at making conversation.

R, V and I went home. R insisted on walking to the main road, teasing V to take care of me. V and I took a cab together, where he proceeded to make a pass at me and tease me about going home. He was like, do you have to go home? (insert cute laugh). He put an arm aroun me which on-purpose-accidentally touched my boobs to which I responded, Ouch! (mammaries still sort of sore from last escapade).

I directed the cab to my house. I was leaning on V's shoulder and his arm was around me, his hand caressing mine. He was making the typical moves guys make when they think I'm cute, caress my hand, run fungers through my hair, pinch my nose, etc... V took the insanely inopportune time to kiss me when we were about 2 meters away from my house. As a result, we missed my house. I said, wait, we already passed my house! The cab took a u-turn to get me there. V stood up, got out and opened the door of the cab for me. I got out of the cab where I fully intended to tell V that I was going to give him cash for my share of the fare when he suddenly kissed me. The kiss was short and sweet. He asked me if I wanted to go somewhere else. I told him that I had to go home as I was about 10 steps away. He alluded to a maybe-next-time. I just smiled

I walked to the gate and got in with a huge smile on my face.

Sorry O, I can resist H but not V. V is a cutie!


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