Friday, August 29, 2008
Having sexual relations with someone for a prolonged period of time can bring about a sense of companionship. There are some things that are said in bed. Certain things are confided while cuddling together on a bed in an air conditioned room. Talking before and in between rounds can bring about an idea of camaraderie. A false idea.
There is a reason why two people are fuck buddies and not friends or dating or anything other than just mere lovers. This is because while you are comfortable with sharing the sexual and physical aspect of your lives, there are still certain restrictions when it comes to your lives.
So yes, I may like to believe that my FB will be there for me and that I will be there for him. But essentially, when push comes to shove, you just don't want or expect any friendship from fuck buddies. Sure an occasional "hi, hello, how are you doing?" is expected. But anything heavier than that is harder.
Most people know that my extended affair with H has led to several misconceptions and massive heartache (boo-hoo!). But now, I'm coming to terms with the fact that much as I want to believe we are friends, we are merely two people who like to fuck each other.
Sure I like listening to his problems. And yes, when he is available, he listens to mine (but I really would rather not tell him come to think of it). In spite of all this, when push comes to shove, we are merely periphery characters in each others lives. Neither essential to the other. And no, it's not anyone's fault or anyone's choice really. It is merely because that's the way things are.
So in this time of his life when I would like to comfort him the best I can, I content myself with sending 2 SMS messages expressing my concern. Much as I would like to do more, I am satisfied that he knows I will be exactly where I am if he wants/needs me. Those two and the fact that I am a bit busy these days.
Labels: emotions, friends, men, relationships
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Dear Ex-Lover,
I remembered your nipples today. I was watching a movie where a young, slender man ran his hand across his chest. I saw his fingers linger over his nipples. And I remembered you. Or precisely your nipples.
Your boyish frame which reminded me of a pre-pubescent girl's. Your narrow chest which really didn't appeal to me. Your cute sensitive little nipples that always made little peaks when I suck them. It was amazing how I'd become accustomed to you, even though I initially wanted to fuck you because I wanted to desecrate something which looked so innocent.
I remembered nibbling on your nipples. And sucking on them. And you mimicking me on the phone, telling me you were pinching them. Reminding me of how I always told you I liked playing with my own nipples whenever I masturbate.
Oh yes. I remember your nipples.
Someone please tell me where I can download this song. Please... This is really old and I only heard it on the radio once. But it's a good song.
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
open my heart
open my mouth up and here you are
under my wings
up in an attic that's all the way dark
the actual sound
and then this dirty ring
close your eyes and you don't hear a thing
if you cover my mouth i will cover your mouth
close your eyes and we'll cover our mouths
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
when you needed someone
i didn't ask questions
but it ain't gonna be here to leave
when it's all done
wet little fingers
wet little eyes in love with everything
don't look so sad now
none of that baby love is wasted on me
you blushed real little innocent thing
talk so fine you really should sing
when you turn your hokey pokey doll act for me
if it don't hit your head then your heart don't agree
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
i'm a slut
that's why you love me
that's why you hate me too
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I have a definite thing for the Dune TV miniseries. I liked the first one so much I bought original VCDs (this was the time when DVDs were 500 bucks). Then, the continuation of the series spawned a hotter lead: meet Leto Atreides II, played by a younger thinner James McAvoy. The Children of the Dune series were released in 2003 and probably shot at least a year prior.
This was way before McAvoy's recent turn in Wanted. I've been watching James for some time, and I first found him extremely charming in Penelope.
The pictures attached are some, admittedly, crappy screen shots of the Children of Dune. It's sci-fi heaven and I have every intention of reading the books that inspired the series. I adore James McAvoy in Penelope and sympathized with his plight in Wanted and last King of Scotland (for being a total horndog). But in the Children of Dune, I simply want to fuck him as Leto Atreides II.
That third photo from the top is of a shirtless James running his hand over his nipple. Yep. He ran his hand over his nipple. And the deluge of memories come tumbling down of other men and other hands and other nipples. I just wasnt to take Leto's nipple in my mouth. I just want his hand on my nipple.
This is a geek's fantasy. To meet and fuck a fictional character they are getting totally wet for. That myschievous grin of his, the blue fremen eyes, the speed, even the worm scales (they're not actually worms, just watch the series and research)...Leto is an heir and he is so fucking hot. And he has a totally hot incestous bond with his qually hot fraternal twin named Ghanima.
Oh Goooood....
In the midst of this weird fluctuating weight issue due to an insane work schedule I am suddenly craving meat. And yes, my mother thought it best to indulge me by buying me my favorite meat in a bun meal: JolliHotdog. Yes I'm one of those who grew up on Jollibee fast food.
Now I'm a bit concerned as I really don't have much time to do any sort of physical activity. I am still trying to work out my schedule and routine for this whole business. And yep I get one of those days when I begin to doubt every flattering thing that has been ever said about me.
I realize that I need to first accept and love who I am before I can change. And I come up with this mantra:
And I vow to learn this to live it to love it. Because confidence works. And attitude works. And everything else will follow.I am a hot, beautiful, smart, fuckable woman.
Anybody would be lucky to get into my pants.
Everyone wants to fuck me.
I am hot.
And fuckable.
There is nothing I can't do.
There is no one I can't do.
I am extremely fuckable.
And yes, because I am totally fuckable.
Labels: emotions, happy happy joy joy, Projects, woman
Friday, August 22, 2008
There's an asteroid we want to add to our orbit. Nice girl. Cool. Laid-back. Cute. Emphasis back on nice girl. As in really nice. Read as we met her parents the first time we ever asked her to hang out and drink with us. She doesn't seem particularly smart but she looks like she can be groomed to follow in, eherm, our footsteps. The corruptible kind of girl.
You know the type. Looks cute, but not that striking. Charming kind of, easy to talk to, easy to get along with, minimal expectations. The kind you want to take under your wing and teach things to. Then do things to. Ti-hee.
Corruptible girl. We have things planned for you.
Labels: flirt, friends, happy happy joy joy
I've never been good at turning it off. O was a master at that. One minute I could be sucking his cock in the rest room, the next he could be coolly working in his desk without a thought about the fact I was blowing him moments before.
MMG (My Moral Guardian) told me recently (upon prompting) that to him sex didn't matter, it wasn't important, which is why he was able to remain celibate and chaste for long periods of time. He didn't go looking for it. I told him, "what if you don't go looking for it? But the opportunity always presents itself?" He responded that I still wanted sex. And this lead to a whole other conversation where I admitted to loving sex and seeking his affirmation that this didn't make me an evil nymphomaniac. MMG relented that it didn't make me pure evil that I should just take responsibility for my actions and not run whining to them if something bad happens to me because of my adventures. And, well, I never really have.
Getting turned on easily has always been a trait of mine. Even as a younger person, I would be reading some silly book and I'd get turned on (incidentally, the story of how I first learned to masturbate at around 12). The only problem is turning it off. When you're unbelievably horny and release is nowhere near, what the fuck do you do?
Well, I save it til it counts. Then when I do have sex there's just this insane energy that gets tapped into. But it always took me some time before I could quench the heat flowing through my veins. Worth it though. The prolonged and delayed release. The eventual orgasm. Priceless.
I miss my stupid weekends. I miss my other stupid old friends. I miss the laid-back non-sexual pass times I had. I miss the non-complicated life I once had before TEL (The Evil Lives) was born. sure I wasn't getting laid then. Of course I stayed in more and only went out to meet up the boys I hung out with and I was always stressed from the job I had. But it was phenomenally less complicated.
I guess we always want what we can't have. Now that the whole fucking thing has been turned on, it's on. Old playing instincts are back and I got used to having numbers to call when the urge came. I got back into the mode of flirting. I got back the hunter instinct. Then I lost it again then I got it again then I just got really really horny all the time.
And I still miss my stupid weekends.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
People like spouting the word karma. I guess because it's such a convenient reason to give when you're being asked why you're not doing something which feels great but is potentially evil. The word's been used several times by people who are seeking a sort of schadenfreude (happiness at the misery of others) in exchange for the hurt a specific person has caused them.
It's now come to light that a person orbiting the periphery of The Evil Lives (JG and Bv) has been dealt with some mighty smiting karma. And yes schadenfreude can be heard in the clickity-clack of my keyboard.
This stone in orbit fancies itself as a bright gleaming star shot across the heavens on some mythological arrow of hotness. I guess it didn't get the memo shooting stars are just rocks falling down really really fast.
Stone has made things strained between everyone for some time now. It was the one who decided friendships should be terminated because it felt uncomfortable. It also made the decision that one-half of TEL (The Evil Lives) is an evil twat and that the other is basically an interloper who must not be trusted. This despite the fact that TEL has done their best to be as nice to her as possible. Oh, and where does all this TEL hate stem from? A boy. A little twerp of a boy.
Twerp has what we unanimously yet ambiguously define as a Loser Vibe. Yep, he reeks of Loser scent. Which basically smells like Axe, midnight tears, dried semen (from masturbation) and stale ciggies. Stone is totally into Twerp, and it has stated it's belief that Twerp is totally into her too.
Now, it has come to light that Twerp is actually into and fucking someone else. And this TEL knows but will never (tee-hee) come right out and tell Stone. We find it funny because Stone made things strained with TEL despite our efforts to reach out. And Stone is overly protective of Twerp at TEL's expense. I guess in time she'll find out for herself. If the Twerp ever gets around to telling her that she's been dumped.
I feel bad for her, sort of. But man, chick before dick baby. Never let it be the other way around.
Labels: friends, happy happy joy joy, pissed, woman
I've never felt like the hot girl. I always felt I just got laid because I was a) lucky, b) willing and c) quite good at it. I've mentioned several times that I never felt comfortable making the first move and that meeting men in bars and clubs was never my forte.
I was asking a friend recently about this and he almost laughed when I told him I was shy. I had asked him for tips for playing, something I never really got into. I'm not like some other men I know who enjoy actual mind-fucks and getting-to-know-you games I'd really rather just get down to sex if that was all I really wanted. The guy I asked was the definite man. One of the great Chick Whisperers of this generation.
Anyway, after he simmered down and realized I was serious when I said I was bashful about talking to a man, he started consoling me. He said that I had Den men lined up at one time and they all wanted to fuck me. I told him I never really thought that was a big fucking deal. Because come on, they hang out at Den! One of the most notoriously comforting meat markets ever. It was such a meat market that friends I brought there never got comfortable because they always thought everyone there wanted to fuck someone. And yeah my going there to meet up with hook-ups may not have helped the reputation of the place as a laid back bar.
Then my friend the Great White Hype told me I was hot. And there were women that most Den men, including him, didn't even bother talking to.
But how do I measure fuckability? Sure it's a little evil and backward to measure self-worth by how much attention you get from other people, but come on. I like being told I'm attractive and fuckable and hot. Sometimes it seems that I learn to love my body more from the attention I get from men. It's so politically incorrect but I can't help it. I like being appreciated. And I appreciate them back. Most of the time with my mouth.
So how do we measure fuckability? Is it a matter of how many people you have to turn down becuase of your standards? Cos that would mean there are some men (or at least one) hotter than me. Is it a matter of how many people you get to fuck? Is it how many people want to fuck you? Is it simply a state of mind?
I've been told alternately that I look like a girl who enjoys sex, a nice girl, the ultimate girl next door and a girl with intriguing lips (they're kinda pouty). So does it matter why I'm fuckable? as long as I am? Is being fuckable equated with being hot? Well yeah I think fuckable = hot given that the ones who want to fuck you are equally hot. So is that what I think fuckable is? A measure of how many other hot people want to fuck you?
Wait, does this even matter? Let's just fuck!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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Labels: from the wonderful interwebs, sex, woman
I always thought he was just, you know, a selfless lover. I always thought it was part of his M.O. I had believed it was part of his nature to make sure I always came first, noisily and wetly, against his thrusting, curling fingers. The first time we had sex, I came so much, he marveled at how wet his hand had become.
He always received praise from me. Not face to face though. Always when he was gone, and to anyone who asked. He was not a particularly pretty boy. He did have a nice body. And a latent penchant for sadomasochism and domination that I particularly enjoyed. He was not particularly large in the penis department, but could be very very talented. Simply put, he has great potential.
Until it came to light that it was not patience nor a sense of guilt at cheating on his girlfriend. It was apparently merely Erectile Dysfunction. Ry seems to be a 22 year old with an erectile dysfunction problem.
Now how do I solve that? Despite me being happy with being finger fucked to orgasm, I would someday like to teach him some new actual sex tricks. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Fucking friends is something I sort of like doing. By fucking friends, I don't mean friends who I fuck or people I have sexual relations with. By fucking friends, I mean I fuck guys who happen to be friends. And yeah, I kind of get off on it.
This has happened twice recently. Once with the Den boys and the other with the Little Boys. I fucked 3 out of the 4 main boys of Den. With the Little Boys, evil Bv claims the break up of the friendship was my fault. I mean, I did fuck Ry first, then made a point of groping him as much as I could. Then I tried Cc, the younger one and he enjoyed groping me as often as he could. This apparently caused a rift in the friendship. Though I'm not sure if it was because of me sleeping with Cc or Cc flaunting it or both of them being afraid because they knew each other's girlfriends.
With the boys of Den, the choice was particularly easy and unecessary. In the beginning, I was fooling around with O, then he introduced me to his friend H, then his friend V. In that scenario I didn't really have to choose. O was in a relationship. V fucked me one last time after seeing me on a date with H then he got into a relationship. About a month after I stopped dating him, H went back to his ex.
O always maintained that he didn't want to actually all-the-way sleep with me because I might end up with one of his friends, and he'd have to go away because of it. We never really stopped fooling around though, but things did get a bit distant when I was seeing H. I guess cos he saw how into H I was.
I had thought the amusing chatter we have might eventually turn into a fuck frenzy. Repressed emotions and all that. He did consistently bug me for a hook up, but it all ended pretty abruptly. The funny amusing late night chats ended. The answer came way later. He'd figured out I was seeing H again. Sucks.
Labels: friends, funny, relationships, upset, woman
Monday, August 18, 2008
We're facing each other in bed. He starts sucking on my nipples. And he gets instantly hard. I grab his cock to play with it. He pulls away briefly from my tits to say, "Yes, that's how much I like your boobs."
He dives back in. And continues to nibble and suck. His hand goes down to my pussy, he starts playing with it. Then he thrusts his finger inside. I lie on my back and grind against his hand. I tilt my pelvis up to meet it. He leans on one elbow to watch me. I gasp and moan and come hard.
"I love watching you come," he whispers in my ear. And then he starts doing it again.
Over time, I've discovered that cheating is a touchy subject to discuss with men. I have helped several of them cheat for some time and have probably had some cheat on me too. But the cheating rules some men live by are still confusing for me. And no one can seem to explain them to me.
- Sex isn't cheating because there are no feelings involved.
- Getting a blowjob isn't cheating.
- Finger fucking a girl so you can relive it later in your masturbatory fantasies isn't cheating.
- If you don't kiss a girl it isn't cheating.
- If it's someone you were sleeping with before you and your girlfriend became a couple it isn't cheating.
- If the girl asks for it it isn't your fault and you aren't cheating, you are just weak.
- As long as your partner doesn't find out, it isn't cheating.
- Never go down on a fling, cunnilingus is reserved for your partner.
- Having sexually explicit conversations on ym or text is ok as long as you don't act on it and you just fantasize about it.
- If you only do it once in a while, it isn't cheating.
In any case, I still don't get it. But I might adopt these at a later point in life. Hehe.
Labels: lists, men, relationships
Sunday, August 17, 2008
"I can't," he said.
"Why?" I asked eventhough I knew the answer. His girlfriend and his conscience.
But as I lay down on the bed, he pulled up my shirt and bra and fondled my tits. He put his hand on my pussy through my pants and panties and started fondling me there. "This is what you want right?"
He started pinching my nipples. "If you can describe how this feels, I'll put my hand inside." All I could do was moan. I hit him in the head with one of my toys when he started getting too rough.
"Enough, leave me, go back downstairs." But he wouldn't let go.
"Describe it come on, all I can hear is 'fuck'. I thought you were a writer."
"You're gonna say I forced you again." I teased him. Despite me being hot and him being not, he maintains that he always gives in cos I force him to.
He grins and nods. "Do you really want to?"
I nod.
"This is the most I can do." He slides his hands under my pants and inside my undies. His fingers slide inside my pussy. I gasp and arch my back. "Take your clothes off," he says.
I untie the drawstring to my pants. Before I could push them off, his fingers start curling inside me. They thrust in and out. I keep myself from moaning so we wouldn't get caught.
"I said take them off, not untie the drawstring." I push my panties and pants off. He moves so he can watch his fingers slide in and out of me. He leans to suck on my nipple. His other hand is fondling my other tit.
He leans back again to watch me writhe on the bed. His fingers push inside me. His other hand roams on my tits, my stomach, my waist. I look to see him watching how my pussy lips pull on his fingers as he pulls them out and thrusts them back inside. I'm matching his thrusts, pushing my pelvis up, grinding on his fingers.
"Move," he says. He wants to watch me come.
From the same artist that gave you this song.
So there's ..
There's a reason that you're in my head
And there's a good reason why you're in my bed
'Cos there's a reason now that you're my girl
There's a reason that ... you ... rock .. my ... world
You rock my world
You rock my world
'cause you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a (cheap tart)
Yeah, you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a (cheap tart)
There's a reason why you're in my head
There's a very good reason why you're in my bed
Ooo, there's a reason now that you're my girl
There's a reason why you rock my world
Cos you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a (cheap tart)
There's a reason why you're in my head
There's a good reason why you're in my bed
There's a reason now that you're my girl
There's a reason why you rock my world
You rock my world
You rock my world
Because you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a (cheap tart)
Friday, August 15, 2008
In one of our little PPFH (Playa Playa From the Himalaya) projects, we decided to create the Player's Code. It contains a list of rules for players to use. One of the things I contributed to that list is " There are no taboos". Of course with the silently appended "unless you find them icky".
That comes to mind now in lieu of recent events. What is the bond exactly between common friends? If the boyfriend of your close friend's best friend wants to sleep with you, would you? The girl in question is nice, though we haven't seen each other in a while. Come to think of it, I think she still owes me some cash. We weren't that close since we didn't get to hang out a lot.
The guy is semi-cute, younger, and seems very eager to fuck. I think he's in one of those, "I'm really really horny so I'll check the nearest available woman I can fuck." I'm not sure if I wanna fuck him though. But I do want to play.
There are no taboos.
Labels: ?, bratty mode, friends, men, relationships, sex
Thursday, August 14, 2008
So this is Dasha Astafieva. She's a Russian model/reality star. The buzz on the interwebs is that she's someone Hugh Hefner is screwing. I don't really watch Girls Next Door so I have no idea what the deal is with her and the rest of Hef's girlfriends.
I do sort of prefer her over the others. Holly, Bridget and Kendra always seemed fake to me. But I do like the fact they were able to make fun of themselves for the Rockstar video. Assuming they realized the song was sarcastic and inside-out. If anyone explained it to them that is.
They kinda look fake and generic compared to the exotic looking Dasha above.
Labels: ?, from the wonderful interwebs, woman
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Text if you’re feeling sexy
Beep if you wanna sleep
Me I’m a little hungry
Trying to count my sheep
Text if you wanna sex me
Beep if you’d rather sleep
Buzz if you wanna get drinks
Call if you wanna sleep
I’ve been trying to sleep
But to no avail
I look out the window
I see a killer whale
I’ve been trying to eat
But I could not decide
If I want some bacon
With scrambled eggs on the side
Text if you’re feeling sexy
Beep if you wanna sleep
Me I’m a little hungry
Trying to count my sheep
Text if you wanna sex me
Beep if you’d rather sleep
Buzz if you wanna get drinks
Call if you wanna sleep
I’ve been trying to walk
But I sprained my knee
I hurt it down at the park
On a skating spree
I’ve been trying to talk
But you would never listen
If you change your mind
You’l find me in the kitchen
Text if you’re feeling sexy
Beep if you wanna sleep
Me I’m a little hungry
Trying to count my sheep
Text if you wanna sex me
Beep if you’d rather sleep
Buzz if you wanna get drinks
Call if you wanna sleep
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A condom company has come up with some Olympic themed ads. Check out the rest at InventorSpot. I'm not that impressed, but they are kinda cute. Though I don't support playing with condoms too much.
Labels: from the wonderful interwebs
I find it remarkably weird when my friends ask me for relationship advice. This despite the fact I have not ever had a long-term exclusive relationship. It perplexes me when they seek my advice. Is it because I think like a man? Is it because I have so many male friends? Is it because I sleep with a lot of men?
Sex questions yes I understand and can generally answer. I've been answering them since high school.
When I started fooling around with a 24 year old man at the tender age of 14 I held some sway over classmates. I knew what I was writing about when I wrote sex scenes. I knew what I was doing when I wrote of kissing and touching and stroking. At 16 I had done everything except for getting my cherry popped.
By 17 my friends were asking me for advice. Up to now I'd get calls or text messages from people I haven't seen in ages asking me about morning after pills and sex during menstruation. And yes I'm the kind of girl who knows about those things.
I find it advisable that each group of friends has a character like me. It helps them grow. The things I've learned are for everyone's benefit. Every new thing I learn I share. The good. The bad. The tales of caution. I am like the database for everyone's use. I have the knowledge and wish to impart it.
So as a one-time offer, here are the things I've learned:
1) It is possible to have sex during the girl's period. The level of ickiness depends on the girl's flow and her partner's tolerance. It is advisable to shower before and after and have the girl on top to minimize stains. Or just have sex standing up.
2) Morning after pills are so far not widely available in this country. A birth control pill called Micropil can be purchased over the counter at drugstores. To use this as emergency contraceptives the girl can take 4 pills then another 4 after 12 hours. Then stop. This one cycle of medicine taking can be effective up to 3 days after the incident. This is ONLY for emergencies. It is not advisable to keep doing this as it messes up the girl's cycle. It causes a surge of estrogen. It is best to just go on the pill or use a condom. This can also mess with the hormones of the girl.
3) Size matters but technique matters more. A big battering ram can hurt if all it doesn't move properly.
4) A good kiss matters. Do it properly. use your whole mouth, tongue, lips and teeth to pleasure the other person. Don't keep your hands dead, move them, hold the other person.
5) Be as unique as you can. Perfect and learn your own moves. Stop reading stupid tips from magazines and start practicing.
6) Learn to MASTURBATE. This is very important step in developing as a sexual person and no one should be ashamed of it. Or ok, be ashamed of it, lie about not doing it, but just freaking do it already. This will make you better. I swear.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I want a sex scene like the one in Fight Club. All blurry and intense. Probably need some drugs to achieve that. And a man who can fuck as hard as Tyler Durden. And I need to sport fuck as much as Marla Singer.
Labels: happy happy joy joy, scenes, sex
Since the Philippines is the texting capital of the world, I have regularly used it to my advantage.
It's easy and casual. There's no obligation to reply, but if you craft your messages well enough, or if the other person wants you enough, you'll get a response. Here are some of my favorite lines:
Of course this is all different from Sex on Text, which simulates fucking by SMS. But the joys of flirting on text...aaah...those are priceless.
"Can you come out and play?" (best said with the name instead of you, more playful)
"Need any distractions?" (thrown in innocently in a casual conversation and it sounds immediately erotic, I was thinking about loaning the man books or dvds though)
"Can you take me home?"
"You wanna?"
"I'm feeling frisky, where are you?"
"I want you now."
"Baby, watcha doin..."
Or you can use quotes from a book or a movie that catches attention. This just serves to establish your uniqueness.
I am an avid texter, and the best move is absconding from SMS for a period of time. After about a week or two you suddenly pop out of the blue with a short, witty, compelling message. Even if they don't reply, you're bound to be pretty sure they're thinking of you. You can revel in some blue balls or someone's masturbatory fantasies.
Labels: flirt
Ever have one of those mornings? When you just wake up and realize your nipples are perky and you would want nothing more than to have someone fuck you? Well yes this is one of those mornings.
It's weird when these days happen. They don't particularly happen often. It doesn't matter when I last had sex or what I wanted. There isn't actually anything that could trigger this. My libido had been dormant for a while, due to other things I had to do. Responsibilities and such.
But then I wake up, all tingly, feeling all frisky.
Like today.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
It was one of those little event things, often caused by someone's birthday party. Those places were alcohol is free and you're suddenly super thirsty. One of those times when you don't know a lot of people and tend to cling to the ones you do know. Particularly when you don't feel like speaking to the rest of the group. In this case, it's also a party where a pool is easily available and drinks and cigarettes are allowed poolside.
So lying there being slightly conscious in a swimsuit and still reveling in the feeling of being submerged in water. Then this guy arrives. Speedfucker. We've been hanging out mostly due to the groups and places we go to. He's seen me hooking up with two other men while he was there. He has persistently asked if I wanted to get together again. He has repeatedly expressed a desire to fuck again. And I have responded with silence and a smile.
Oh I enjoy hanging out with him once in a while. It always makes me hot being around someone who wants to fuck me, even if I want nothing to do with them. Makes me feel sexy. But I really don't want to fuck him again, even if I get really really horny.
Then he spoke:
Speedfucker (Sf): J, no matter what, I have no regrets about what happened between us."
J: Damn right you shouldn't. I have a rep.
Sf: Yes you do.
And yes. I do. Satisfaction guaranteed. Too bad he doesn't have that same guarantee.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Durex Sex Survey (Which Totally Excludes the Philippines)
0 comments Posted by jean grey at 10:22 PMI recently stumbled upon Durex's Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey (which has zero data on the Philippines amongst others). The findings is about the average number of sex partners people all over the world have had.
It worried me a bit when I realized that I have had more than 4 times the average number for heterosexual women. Then again I realized that most of the men I know here are above average in that aspect as well. I know of men who stopped counting (but didn't stop fucking) at 100. So yeah, they definitely should have added the Philippines.
Labels: from the wonderful interwebs, men, sex, woman
What the hell is up with these surgeries? There are reports that designer vaginas are becoming all the rage in Australia and New Zealand. I know men were supposed to get penile impants because they were insecure about size. Now women are having their vaginas restructured, mimicking virginity and having the entire thing rejuvinated and restored.
Is it vanity? Are we now going to join our vaginas in beauty contests? Are we going to post pictures of our genitals on social networks so we can get dates? Is that the primary thing partners now ask? Not "what you do", "where you're from" but "is your vulva perfectly symmetrical"?
Labels: from the wonderful interwebs, stupidity, woman
Age old adage: Size does matter. And yes, I agree it does. I am partial to a particularly well-hung lover because, honestly, he's fucking huge. That and he knows what to do with it. There's just something about an experienced, pulsing, big hunk of meat that turns me on. It hits just the right spot. I also like the way his penis looks.
I may not be in the league of Cynthia Plastercaster, but I do like nice looking cocks. I've had a couple of notable mentions.
When I was younger, I was a little afraid of looking at dicks. It was a little scary, particularly with one night stands and one-time lovers. I always thought the unimportant fucks probably didn't have dicks worth looking at. The boyfriends I had were exceptions. Then I met some really good lovers. Then I couldn't stop looking at their cocks.
Sometimes while they slept I'd just run my hand over it absentmindedly. If it suddenly pulsed or jumped in my hand I always smiled. I think this cock fetish started a little later, when I started getting more experience and I had more time to look at it, observe it and see it, in its natural habitat. Like seeing an animal at rest.
The first notable penis I ever saw was from my ex N. It wasn't a real relationship. He was gym instructor and indulged my smoking after working out (which is very very bad). He also started fucking me about a month before I turned 18. He had one of the prettiest penises I have ever seen. Right size for someone barely divirginized (he was my third time, I consider the first 2 my divirginizations). He was around 6-5 inches long, but thick. The most exciting part was that he had a perfect mushroom-shaped head. I remembered doodling the shape of his penis in class.
After N, I have met about 3 or 4 pretty penises. These are penises that have that helmet head and the thick shaft. I didn't like cocks that were too round, I liked shafts with a bit of an elliptical circumference. I wanted them a little flat and wide. They're be perfect to suck on, fits in my mouth perfectly.
I'm not a fan of torpedo dicks. Those guys with the heads a little small and shaft a little thicker. A perfectly circular circumference. Those things are nice, still penises, but I don't adore them. Cocks that are too veiny, too hairy, hidden in tons of hair...those basically suck. And not as fun to suck on.
Notable cocks? Pretty ones? H, N, X, V, Ak, O. It doesn't mean they're particularly good in bed (although I don't think it's a coincidence that some of my favorite lovers make the list), it just means their penises have the shape I like. Mushroom head, thick wide shaft. Perfect.