Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guess Who's Back

I've been away from this blog for a long long time. Here's my list of excuses:

  1. I've been really busy with work and projects.
  2. I've mostly been sticking to one (or three) sexual entanglements.
  3. My regular lover has kept sexual frustration nil and I have less to rant about.
  4. I've had other things on the brain (like needlecrafts, would you believe that?).
But like fine whiskey and younger men, my Bitchicisms blog haunts me and just begs for it. So I'm back.

I've realized that I had a few readers in the past, people who I've drawn in with regular posts to certain yahoo groups and blog lists I've now lost. My yahoo email has reset and I've lost all contact. Please help me (re)build a following and I promise to keep coming and coming and coming for you.


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