Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The things you learn online:
New underwear technology has been invented to give cocks more freedom while keeping balls snug and secure! Ballbras anyone?
Now you too can enjoy more semen in your life. With the economic problems, you can make money from something you're already used to ingesting. (If you're one of those that swears they have never swallowed semen, have you ever gone to a fast food restaurant? With disgruntled employees? And asked for extra mayo/special sauce?)
I really love bacon, but I don't really think it gives much boobage support.
Anti-religion: watch Religulous. Better yet, make all your friends watch it. Particularly those not sure where they stand in the whole God-debate. It will make you think. I watched it then followed it up with an audiobook on the philosophy of religion and I'm still confused but searching. Religulous fave moments: *fundamentalist girl saying she doesn't hate fags, but God does *Vatican astronomer saying there is no scientific fact in the Bible *Catholic man in truckstop chapel saying that the blood on the shroud of tourin (he called it turpin) was female blood cos Jesus was born of a virgin birth
And some local lovin:
Rustom Padilla is no more! All hail Bebe Gandanghari! (and yes, I loved your shoes on Startalk) Oh, and whatever the hell happened to that reproductive health bill thing? I read it, it seems like a really big and unwieldy bill, but it is a step in the right direction. Is no one covering it again? Then it shall die. Because you know the Catholic Church will stop that shit. And totally has no regard for the separation of church and state. There is no reasoning with them btw. We can try but they have no reason. And also possibly because their supporters have more free time.
(Thanks Pajiba, Perez and DListed) (Also the Multiply profiles of staunch Catholics. hahahha)
Labels: from the wonderful interwebs, news, politics, the world