Saturday, June 7, 2008
Some theories say that a man thinks of sex every so number of seconds. I think the attention spans of men are a little too short to think about sex for a prolonged period of time. They probably just get flashes of images like a sudden image of tits or pussy that's enough to get them off.
Admittedly it is easy to get men horny. It is especially easy to get men off. Something proven by something Jm once said, "Any sex is good sex." Men of course think it's something special to get women off. Because face it, women are more picky than men.
Some guys are good just for quickies in example: Cc and Ak. Some men are good for extended liaisons: H and V. Guys like The Speedfucker, are no good at all.
Learning how to manage your stable is the most crucial thing for a player. You've got to know which choices to pick dependent on your mood. Men will always come. It's in their nature, all they really need is a warm hole. Women choose who they give their pussy to. And even promiscuous ones like me, still choose.
Ak was horrible at extended liaisons. For one, he's schedule was insane, being a call center dude. And his stamina sucks. He had a tendency to fall asleep. Cc is somewhat the same. He needs to sleep before he can fuck. Young boys fuck a couple of times in quick succession. Experienced men can fuck very well and can go on for what seems like forever. V and H are primary examples. V knew how to last. H, being an older man, does need his rest. But that rest is only a couple of minutes long. Then he starts fucking again. And he knows how to fuck.
Men basically just choose which woman is available. The trick is to get them to remember you first so that you're on top of the list. What does that trick entail? Sport fucking.
Sport fucking means treating fucking like a game. When most women fuck, they are tentative, unsure or shy. This masks several insecurities. Some which not even I am immune to. Women who sport fuck love sex. Love their bodies. Love fucking men. They masturbate often because they like having orgasms. They prefer fucking because energy is different when it is transferred between two people. Because the energy builds up and strengthens and causes a gigantic explosion in the end. They prefer fucking because they like having another body to hold on to. They prefer fucking because it means giving pleasure to another person. I am a sport fucker. And we, sport fuckers, like to fuck.
Men like to fuck girls who like to fuck because, well, it makes them feel good. When men encounter a woman who loves sex, they feel that they are good in bed. It's hard to make a woman enjoy sex, or so I've heard. When they see a woman who genuinely enjoys it, they can have 1 of 2 reactions, they either get scared because they can't handle it or they enjoy that woman more. The men who love sport fuckers, they are the ones who learn more. And fuck better in the end.