Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Oldest Tricks

Hanging out with the notably evil Bv and the definitive nice girl Ts has made it pretty obvious that I am more like a guy than ever. I know for a fact that there statistically there are more Filipinas like Ts than there are Filipinas like me. It is possible that the other Filipina girls who like to fuck around in a totally casual and no strings attached way are just super discreet, but I think that there really are just few promiscuous women.

There may be a lot of women who engage in casual sex but most of them, or so the complaints of the casual men go, still prefer relationships to random, sweaty, satisfying sex.

Which lead me to think about the profound difference between women and men's flirting styles. Before even starting to talk, people give off clues, they test boundaries before they begin the verbal flirting.

Men and women do it in different ways. Women make it known to the other party that they're available and men try to push for more physical interaction.

There are two most common tricks for women, they are actually more of excuses for being nearer the other person. The first, which is more often used in clubs or drinking sessions, is pretending not to hear. I use this a lot. When I told Bv about this he commented that yes I do become deaf when other boys are around.

When they say something I pretend not to hear, I lean in close and place my ear strategically near their mouth, my body near enough for them to smell but not quite touch.

The other trick is to act drunk. Once a person is drunk, they lose inhibitions. They become touchy and smiley and yes we can now do anything we wouldn't ordinarily do.

Men test these. They attempt to touch. They initiate a tickling game. They massage. Or, in more extreme cases, they read your palm.

Weirdly enough, I use the guy's tricks more often.


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