Thursday, January 3, 2008
Was, thanks to the huge distance between speed of thought and typing skills, called a splut earlier today.
These past few days I've been not so randomly surfing the net, reading up on some issues like feminism and secret societies like Freemasonry. Yes work was pretty slow at the beginning of the year.
I hesitate to call myself as a feminist for fear of the inevitable backlash. What little I know of "hard core" feminists come from an org in UP Diliman where the socio-political leanings of the female members lead them to instruct their male sexual partners to withdraw when they feel an orgasm coming, to maintain the "purity" of their orgasm. I guess it made them feel that they are orgasming while not enslaved by the penis. Another practice is that most of them turn lesbian. Because they apparently cannot stand to be oppressed by men.
Aside from these reasons, I have also been called on and, well, berated for being a part of the male-dominated society by being promiscuous and sleeping with several men. It came to the point where a professor of mine disputed my thesis because a woman appeared to be enjoying casual sex, and, as he interpreted it, she was doing so to mimic men.
For these reasons I've stayed away from the feminist label, as a lot of it sounds like Catholic-belief based to me. That women are naturally chaste, celibate and polygamous and men enslave women through sex despite being consenting adults.
Until I found this post which reflects my beliefs. It is the statement released by the Women's Direct Action Collective entitled Sluts Against Rape.
"...because we believe that a woman should have the right to be sexual in any way she chooses and that she is never at fault for rape."
And I agree with them.

There is also this PSA from the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women, now known as Peace Over Violence. The PSAs are entitled This is Not An Invitation to Rape Me. The series of photographs, particularly the one wherein women are shown expressing their right to sexual freedom and congress, and yes even prostitutions, say in images what the Sluts Against Rape statement use words to say.
These are all organizations based in the USA and before anyone calls me a little brown American, these were the only ones I came across accidentally online that said what I felt.
That women should be allowed to express themselves sexually however they wish and not be blamed for any sexual assault or abuse that comes their way. Having been a victim of malicious minds and tongues and having been hit with a curtain rod due to an event sexual in nature, I can say that I've had enough of the blame.