Monday, November 26, 2007

Boredom 101

What are the signs you're life is stagnated, boring and other wise dull? Well, other people literally won't see it. They would think the ennui of working middle class people is not typically seen as a great concern. It is seen as a direct and often predictable result of being a rat in a rat race, a member of a capitalist-consumerist society.

Still, how do you decipher that this boredom is real and means that you should move on, move away, move up or just goddamn move.

1) You are always late. Because things bore you you no longer bother to show up on time for them. This applies to dates, work, gimiks etc... The frustration of another person no longer matters. Who cares if that person has been waiting for ages just to have drinks with you? Would you really give a flying fuck if the company is losing money by you not being prompt? Who gives a fuck?

2) You notice all people's flaws. The petty crap. The annoying extreme campy gayness (yes though I adore gay people grating screams of temper tantrums are just not my thing). The cheezyness, the rudeness, the lack of etiquette and proper decorum. Even if I am normally not normal, life still would be better if I were not privy to all this opportunistic lack of essence and substance.

3) Always tired/bored/sleepy/hungry. Yes boredom can lead heavily into emotional eating and the like. This basically means there is nothing to look forward to, nothing excites you. Yet often your body stays wired, ready and taut. But nothing ever happens. This insane overflow of static energy will cause you at times to leap out of your skin.

4) Escapism. Alcohol. Again food. Sex. Blow Jobs. Hunting. Clubbing. Drugs. All these mean something. It means your life is so boring for you that you have to manufacture drama to keep it entertaining.

5) Well. Just plain boredom. Bored out of your skull. Your status message on YM says you're bored. You constantly check Friendster and Multiply and you have bookmarked. You have 4 or more blogs that are constantly updated. You are up to date on all weird and entertainment news

So what does this all mean. It's time to go away. Leave. Change. Move on.


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