Friday, August 24, 2007
Oh yes, I can feel the "ber" months nearing. Dammit.
And yes, I did swear I would be 120 lbs. come December. Which is a full 20 lbs. loss in approximately 4 months. And I am eating brownies. hahahaha
This holiday season is shaping up to be one of the best in recent history. My family is doing very well. We're about to get two (two!yey!) dogs and money is so far not a problem.
I'm cleaning up my life (sorta facing up to old ghosts, friends who have been pissing me off for years...they now know god's honest truth), figuring out exactly what I want (which isn't staying in a stagnated company) and trying to get over this weird convoluted (daughter M's favorite word, hehehe)thing with H.
And yes getting older is definitely a lot of help. Though I am becoming more fearful and paranoid. Probably because life teaches you that shit happens, men sometimes are complete total assholes and friends can be full of shit.
A lot has happened the past 6 months I've changed careers and things have been mostly ok though they can be better. I don't really need a change, rather an improvement.
I need people who are not stupid, people who challenge, people who want something more out of life than multiple credit cards and loans and cars, people who inspire and command respect. I am sick of nouveau riche white trash types who have no breeding. I am sick of people making fun of me cos I like nice things. I am sick and tired of people implementing rules that do not apply to them and most of all I am sick of the family that blunders into all sorts of crap beause they are pretending to know what they are doing.
It's put up or shut up time. And I will gladly enjoy the last 6 months of my work here. I will not get into the pitfall of staying too long in a crappy job.