Monday, March 12, 2007
I hate losing things. Especially money.
Oh God. I hate it. Almost as much as I hate the fact that being the new kid in the office, eyes are sometimes on me. As much as the fact that being the new kid, and one of only 2 twenty-something girls, my outfit always gets noticed. Oh well, I don't hate that really.
I like the attention sure. Don't always like the fact that the boss' family hangs out at the office for no particular reason. Don't particularly like seeing otherwide normal people fall all over themselves to please these folks, some kids my age.
I like working at my new job, it's my first foray into the line I really want to be in, Creatives. I'm not gonna lie and say I'll stay here forever. I will move up in about a year or two. Have no plans of lingering in this place forever. It jsut saddens me that people are old and still here. That they have no other dreams than this one.
Sometimes I cringe when people use wrong grammar, or mispronounce things, or ask me to do things that aren't really in my job description. But hey, most of the day I don't do anything so what the hell. I do it still. I may not do it perfectly but I still do it.
Having cool people to hang out with is fun too. Makes me wonder how long it'll take me before I hate it here. Cos right now I'm still loving it. Despite the lousy salary. I don't look at job openings any more. I just ignore them. Who knows.