Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ever entered one of those situations where you felt instantly at home? Like you can talk to all these people and they wouldn't judge you or mock you or talk evily about you behind your back.
I had that recently, at my new company. Finally I am in the ad industry, the company albeit small is wonderful, the people immensely pleasurable. They get my jokes, they don't scold me for being noisy, in fact, they shout back when I shout at them. A clear difference from the environment I was exposed to in that OTHER company where I worked as a brand marketing assistant, where I had to curb my natural tendencies.
I've been in my ad agency for 2 days and it still feels fine,still feels too new. Time flies when you're having fun.
Labels: relationships, work
Ended the year 2006 on uncertain territory. It was, to say the least, an ambiguous end. Had a job, had new friends, lost weight, still wanted more.
Now seems a bit too late to state the 2007 project, but it still needs to be said.
1) Tone up and go down to 125 lbs. - have to exercise and curb the excessive eating
2) Get into the career/industry I love -- this I started to fulfill Feb. 19, 2007. Have to explore it.
3) Let go of excess baggage. -- meaning: a) my ex, b) virgin guy I tried to divirginize and c) 19 y/o I tried to screw.
4) Become financially free. -- entails: getting all my money from my momma
5) Have work-life balance. -- vacations, shopping and the like
Seems easy enough I'm sure. We'll see how it goes.